Thursday 3 April 2014

thankfulness thursdays...

It's that time of the week again, time to look back on some of the things that brought the happy to my week from my #100happydays on the red delicious facebook page...

{Day 10}  A new project to try - love exploring new crafts to see if they will be something I want to do more of - I still haven't got round to doing this but it sits on my desk waiting for inspiration...and time!
Photo: #100happydays

{Day 10}  Oooo found some new things to play with at one of my favourite stores, 'Hands', which is a craft supplies store here in Christchurch (  The store is like a piece of crafting heaven, soooo many things to look at and explore.  I purposely avoid the store unless I need something otherwise I would be in there all the time spending all my wages!  So this weekend will be play time for me having a go making my own pendant necklace!!  If this works out well then what a great gift idea for a real bargain of a price.  New craft discoveries - happy days

{Day 11}  Sometimes you just need a night of dreaming, idea pondering, planning, list making...or having the pen and paper ready beside you while you eat some Tim Tams and watch some telly!
Photo: #100happydays

{Day 11}  Happy hubby watching rugby, happy kids doing their own things, happy Mum having time in my woman cave (aka our bedroom) watching season two of Arrow and planning, not sure what yet but have the books and pen at the ready...and the tim tams! Time to recharge - happy days

{Day 12}  Finally some crafting action - quilting up a storm...bliss
Photo: #100happydays

{Day 12}  Quilting up a storm - happy days

{Day 13}  Confirmation, encouragement, inspiration and uplifting - watch Dr Libby's speak about the cavewoman vs the modern day rushing woman here - so worth the time spent to listen to her and to know you are not alone or a failure as a mother, woman and/or words...

I'm so excited to share with you that my TEDx talk has now gone live. Being invited to speak at TEDx was a dream that I was privileged to turn into a reality recently.

The speaking rules require you to deliver your “ideas worth spreading” in under 18 minutes so I poured my brain, heart and soul into coming up with a message that I hope can impact millions of people. Given my shortest seminar is usually 90 minutes, refining my message to be 18 minutes long was quite a challenge for me!

My mission is to 'educate and inspire, enhancing people's health and happiness, igniting a ripple effect that transforms the world'. I would like to invite you to watch my talk, titled 'The pace of modern life verses our cavewoman biochemistry'.

If after watching the talk, you feel it contains a meaningful message worth spreading, I’d love you to share it with your friends, family and colleagues. I look forward to reading your feedback in the YouTube comments section, and watching the likes grow.

Thank you so much for your support and encouragement over the years. I learn so much from all of the people I come into contact with and am honored to share this talk with you. Together let’s ignite that ripple effect of increased health and happiness in the world.

To watch the talk, click here -

With Warmth

Dr Libby

{Day 14}  Nothing out of the ordinary just a good old fashioned productive and satisfying day - productive day at work, grocery shopping done and full cupboards, time spent giving to a community club and meeting some lovely ladies as well - just a good day all round
Photo: #100happydays

{Day 14}  It's getting late and time for bed, it's been a good day all round.  Nothing spectacular or amazing but had a productive day at work, did the grocery shopping so the cupboards are now full, did some washing to keep the mound to be washed at bay for another day and went to my first committee meeting after deciding to give back to the community in some small way by helping out with our netball club.  Lovely group of ladies and looking forward to some fun!  So nothing in particular just an all round good day.  Enjoying the journey - happy days

{Day 15}  Early birthday lunch out surprise with a great friend, had a few struggles along the way and forgot to enjoy the journey temporarily today, helped back up by my kind kids and husband and then ended the day on a sweet note when I found these gorgeous mugs by Caroline Rose Art which I talked about in my tuesday treasures post this week and her Etsy shop is here...I ordered the red caravan one and it's on it's way to me now and I am so excited!

{Day 16}  It was my birthday on Day 16 and what a great day!  Thoughtful presents, thoughtful words and actions and a thoroughly enjoyable day which started with being presented with these gorgeous creations from my girls - hard not to be happy really

{Day 17}  Watching Pitch Perfect for the hundredth time with my teenagers and it's still as cool as the first time I watched it - aca-awesome!!  Man I wish I could sing so bad!!  Just bust out a big song with ease and a gutsy rich voice...*sigh*

So all in all a good week has been had and much to be thankful for!

You can follow my #100happydays at

Hope yours has been a good week too.

Take care and till then

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